Mini ~ Minimalistic VRC PC & QUEST Avatar World!
Mini is a small minimalistic Avatar world!
Mini is equipted with:
12 avatar pedestals, 2 seats with collider toggles, Cutout Mirror, and pro tv!
Get right to the point with a Super Small loading size!
3.76 MB on PC!
4.47MB on Quest!
You are not to share packages with others (unless otherwise stated)
You are not to leak packages
You are not to use/take any asset inside the package (asset mining)
You will not remove any credits from the world (unless otherwise stated)
You are not to resell my work or claim it as yours.
You Have to put in the CORRECT info at Checkout, otherwise your licence will be INVALID!
There are NO REFUNDS
Coffee Table By Nico
Sofa Elephant Ivory by Sam Moscow
ProTv by ArchiTechAnon
VRCPlayersOnlyMirror by acertainbluecat
Interior Door by Haron Tosh
Invisible White Marble by sharetexturesStar Nest Skybox
Mochies Unity Shader
Base Mesh by Abigail#1616